ACe20 is your partner in addressing the challenges and opportunities you face. We are here to support you strategically, ensuring that your initiatives are successful and that you have access to the resources you need to achieve your mission.

Our success stories

Since 2014, the ACe20 Agency has successfully supported numerous schools in Europe, including Italy, Poland, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Malta, Greece, Spain, the Netherlands, Hungary and Finland, facilitating access to Erasmus+ funding. Currently, a dozen accredited schools actively participate in the program, initiating multi-year exchange projects for students and teachers. Among the successful projects, KA2 "SIE4E - Schools in English for Europe" has been recognized as Good Practice at the European level. In addition, ACe20 has contributed to the implementation of 25 National Operational Program (NOP) School in Italy projects focused on personal empowerment, European citizenship and improving school infrastructure.